Monday, May 23, 2011

Star Trek 2009

I know this may be a little too late to mention but what the hell... first of all I loved the movie A.L.O.T. And I liked the idea behind giving Star Trek a goofy twist with a rush of adrenaline from the young cadets mixed with a little bit of stupidity. They seem more down to earth this way... but... Simon Pegg? REALLY????? When I first watched the movie (as with every movie I watch) I made my best not to know who's in it. And boy was I surprised to see Simon appearing in some dumped lab somewhere in the movie.
I have to admit I was thrilled with Kirk (Chris Pine) and managed to find him and his role so similar to Roger Wilco since I'm a big Space Quest fan. Chris gave Star Trek an awesome twist.

..and of course Spock is Spock (Zachary Quinto). Seeing his future version made it easier for me to accept his character.
I've always saved the cherry for last.. Nero (Eric Bana) is a state of art made into a shape of an alien! I was hardly concentrating on his lines! The makeup is just phenomenal and evil. It was suitable with all the hate and anger he has inside.


  1. Yep, I've got to admit, I enjoyed the film as well. I love Trek and I think they needed to kick start it in a new direction. To continue to repeat the same old, same old would have killed it.
    Live long etc etc.

  2. ...and prosper :D it's been long since I've become eager to see the new trek!
